Kiwi Energy Contributes To Green Guerillas “Harvest For Neighborhoods” Campaign
April 6, 2016

Kiwi Energy a leading New York based energy retailer is contributing to Green Guerillas’ Harvest for Neighborhoods campaign. Green Guerillas is a nonprofit environmental group that has been dedicated to strengthening and preserving urban gardens in New York City for over 40 years. Green Guerillas started in 1973 when many parts of New York City were suffering a financial crisis. During this time, then Parks Commissioner Thomas Hoving’s campaign sought to quickly transform vacant and abandoned lots that resulted from the financial crisis to usable open spaces. This paved the way for Green Guerillas and the 1970’s community garden movement which began in the Lower East Side. Today, more than 600 community gardens serve as testaments to the skill, creativity, and determination of New York City’s community gardeners. They grow food for their families and neighbors. They connect city kids to the earth. They give seniors cool green spaces to pass summer days and allow people to kneel down together and garden in the city.
The Harvest for Neighborhoods Campaign is a Green Guerillas program in which they help community gardeners in Brooklyn, Harlem and the South Bronx produce an increase food production that plays an important role in food security for neighborhoods known as food deserts. They engage gardeners in a range of activities to help them grow food, recruit new urban farmers, revitalize under-utilized garden space, manage community farmers markets, and extend the growing season. Kiwi Energy, now in their second year of support of Green Guerillas is delighted to support this initiative. “Kiwi Energy understands the importance of supporting organizations like Green Guerillas that engage communities to achieve social and environmental goals.” –Richard Booth, President of Retail Operations.
Kiwi Energy understands that urban development is an important step towards an environmentally conscious community and Green Guerillas is at the forefront of those individuals and groups fighting to keep the city as green as possible. To get involved visit the Green Guerillas website to find a community garden near you.
Kiwi Energy is a New York-based energy retailer dedicated to providing environmentally conscious solutions for electricity and gas supply. Their focus on environmentally conscious products is backed by friendly and efficient customer service. As a company they pride themselves on their transparency and ability to answer questions about the energy industry or their sustainable products.